What Color Should I Paint My Kitchen With White Cabinets

What Color Should I Paint My Kitchen With White Cabinets

Choosing the right color for your kitchen walls can be a daunting task, especially when you have white cabinets. The color you choose can greatly impact the overall look and feel of your kitchen. It can create a sense of warmth, add depth, or even make your space appear larger. In this article, we will explore various color options that complement white cabinets and provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

1. Consider the Style and Atmosphere

Before diving into specific color options, it’s important to consider the style and atmosphere you want to create in your kitchen. Are you aiming for a modern, sleek look or a cozy, traditional feel? Understanding the overall aesthetic you want to achieve will help guide your color selection process.

2. Neutral Colors for a Timeless Look

Neutral colors are a popular choice when it comes to painting kitchens with white cabinets. They create a timeless and elegant look that can easily be paired with various decor styles. Some popular neutral options include:

  • Gray: Gray is a versatile color that can range from cool to warm tones. Light gray walls can create a modern and sophisticated look, while darker shades can add depth and richness to the space.
  • Beige: Beige is a warm and inviting color that complements white cabinets beautifully. It can create a cozy and traditional atmosphere in your kitchen.
  • Taupe: Taupe is a blend of gray and beige, offering a balance between cool and warm tones. It can add depth and sophistication to your kitchen.

3. Bold Colors for a Pop of Personality

If you’re looking to add a pop of personality and make a statement in your kitchen, consider using bold colors on your walls. These colors can create a vibrant and energetic atmosphere. Here are some bold color options to consider:

  • Navy Blue: Navy blue walls can create a dramatic and sophisticated look when paired with white cabinets. It adds depth and richness to the space.
  • Emerald Green: Emerald green is a bold and trendy color choice that can create a fresh and vibrant atmosphere in your kitchen.
  • Deep Red: Deep red walls can add warmth and richness to your kitchen. It creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

4. Light and Pastel Colors for a Soft Look

If you prefer a softer and more delicate look in your kitchen, light and pastel colors can be a great choice. These colors create a sense of tranquility and can make your space feel airy and open. Consider the following options:

  • Pale Yellow: Pale yellow walls can create a sunny and cheerful atmosphere in your kitchen. It pairs well with white cabinets and adds a touch of warmth.
  • Soft Blue: Soft blue is a calming color that can create a serene and peaceful environment in your kitchen.
  • Lavender: Lavender walls can add a touch of elegance and femininity to your kitchen. It creates a soft and romantic atmosphere.

5. Contrast with Dark Colors

If you want to create a striking contrast and make your white cabinets stand out, consider using dark colors on your kitchen walls. This creates a bold and modern look. Some popular dark color options include:

  • Black: Black walls can create a sleek and sophisticated atmosphere in your kitchen. It adds a touch of drama and elegance.
  • Charcoal Gray: Charcoal gray is a deep and rich color that can add depth and dimension to your kitchen.
  • Deep Brown: Deep brown walls can create a warm and cozy atmosphere. It pairs well with white cabinets and adds a touch of elegance.

6. FAQ

Q1: Will dark colors make my kitchen look smaller?

A1: While dark colors can create a bold and dramatic look, they can also make a space appear smaller. If you have a small kitchen, consider using lighter colors to create an illusion of space.

Q2: Can I mix and match colors in my kitchen?

A2: Absolutely! Mixing and matching colors can add visual interest and create a unique look in your kitchen. Just make sure the colors complement each other and create a cohesive overall design.

Q3: How can I test different colors before painting my kitchen?

A3: Before committing to a color, it’s a good idea to test it on a small area of your kitchen wall. This will give you a better idea of how the color looks in different lighting conditions.

Q4: Should I consider the color of my countertops when choosing a wall color?

A4: Yes, the color of your countertops can influence the overall look of your kitchen. Consider choosing a wall color that complements or contrasts with your countertops for a cohesive design.

A5: Color trends can vary over time, but currently, shades of gray, navy blue, and emerald green are popular choices for kitchen walls with white cabinets.

Q6: Can I use wallpaper instead of paint for my kitchen walls?

A6: Absolutely! Wallpaper can add texture and pattern to your kitchen walls. Just make sure to choose a design that complements your white cabinets and overall kitchen style.


Choosing the right color for your kitchen walls with white cabinets is an important decision that can greatly impact the overall look and feel of your space. Neutral colors like gray, beige, and taupe create a timeless and elegant look, while bold colors like navy blue, emerald green, and deep red add personality and vibrancy. Light and pastel colors create a soft and delicate atmosphere, while dark colors create a striking contrast. Consider the style and atmosphere you want to create in your kitchen, and don’t be afraid to mix and match colors to create a unique look. Remember to test different colors before committing, and consider the color of your countertops for a cohesive design. Whether you choose paint or wallpaper, the right color can transform your kitchen into a beautiful and inviting space.