How to remove a stripped screw from a laptop
Small heads on laptop screws frequently necessitate a certain screwdriver size. If a screw is overtightened if the screwdriver is the improper size, the head of the screw can strip, rendering you unable to control and turn the screw. This is a major annoyance, and getting the screw out isn’t always simple.
Dimensions of a Screwdriver
As soon as the screw starts to strip, stop attempting to remove it. Laptop screws are flimsy, and things can quickly get out of hand. Change to a somewhat larger screwdriver after you’ve come to a halt. The larger screwdriver may be able to firmly grasp the head of the screw and pull it out.
Change from a Phillips to a flathead screwdriver if the bigger screwdriver breaks. Switching to a smaller screwdriver can help you get a better grip on the head when a screw peels because the indentations no longer fit exactly. Play around with different sizes of screwdrivers until you find one that will grasp and turn the head. If this procedure fails, the screw is most likely stripped completely, and a screwdriver is unlikely to help. To grip the screw tightly enough to turn it, additional steps are required.
Pliers come in handy
The majority of laptop screws are recessed, making pliers difficult to grasp. To hold the screw, use the sharpest needle nose pliers available. You should be able to grab the entire head and move the screw to the left if only a tiny bit of the head is exposed. Getting a hold by placing one nostril into the slot where the screwdriver would normally go and the other along the edge of the head will sometimes suffice. To avoid further damage or breaking the screw, hold the pliers with a gentle grip. These delicate screws are unable to withstand the same amount of force as standard wood or metal screws.
Rubber Band is a good option
A rubber band can be used to fill in the holes left by the stripped screws while also providing a grip for the screwdriver. Using scissors, cut a rubber band and place it flat on the screw head. To get a hold and twist the screw, press the screwdriver into the screw and apply pressure as you turn it. The screwdriver compresses the rubber band, enhancing screw grip. If the screw is entirely stripped, there are no slots for the rubber band to fill, then this procedure may not work. It’s worth a go, and you might be able to loosen the screw with a couple of spins. The rest of the job is simple to perform with pliers once the screw has been loosened.
Identify the Problem
The last option is to drill out the screw. In most circumstances, drilling out screws isn’t a big concern, but laptop screws are thin, and drilling might damage the threads permanently. Select a metal bit and start drilling shallowly. The goal is to leave a little mark on the screw head. Using a screwdriver, attempt to remove the screw. If necessary, you can use the rubber band approach again. The new divot might be enough to hold and twist the screw. Drill out the entire screw if the screw head still doesn’t offer grip after drilling. Drilling is rarely required, and careful control is required to avoid the screw hole from becoming too big. Before replacing the screw, be cautious and remove it entirely.
Drill Bit
If these approaches haven’t yielded results, it’s time to take things a step further. Left-handed drill bits, as the name implies, are meant to be spun in the opposite direction of standard drill bits. This will allow them to literally bite into the screw material rather than using a rubber band or glove to fill in the gaps in the head – but it will also mean that as they bite into and hold the screw, they will also be turning it in the direction to loosen and remove it.
Bit for removing screws
A specialized screw extractor bit can be used as an alternative to the left-handed drill bit. While, like the left-handed screw bit, these aren’t the kind of tool you’ll use every day (unless you’re having some really bad luck with screws). they’re the kind of tool you’ll be glad to have on hand on a cold, rainy Sunday when all the shops are closed but you still need to get a screw out of a thorny laptop. These, like the left-handed screw bits, will bite directly into the screw’s metal, providing a far tighter connection on the screw head than a screwdriver could produce under ideal conditions. This is an excellent approach to get rid of a nagging screw.
Finally, secure something to the stripped screw head with epoxy or super glue. Epoxy will most likely provide a stronger bond, but it will typically take longer to cure. Depending on the situation, you could attempt gluing another screw on top of the stripped screw to provide additional grip or even insert a screwdriver into the stripped screw head. After all, chemically gluing the components together doesn’t provide any additional grip. Of course, if you can’t neatly remove the screw and glue/epoxy afterwards, you’ll have to throw the screwdriver away – but that’s a minor price to pay compared to not being able to repair your laptop.
Most of the time, after that screw is removed, you’ll want to replace it immediately away. You don’t want to go through this with the same screw ever again a stitch in time saves nine, so get rid of it and replace it with a decent screw. While a stripped screw head on your priceless laptop may cause concern, don’t be alarmed. Hopefully, this guide has helped you open your machine.