How to put Christmas lights on a large outdoor tree
Christmas is about more than just family, friends, faith, and gifting. It’s a season when most of us in the United States allow ourselves to adorn anything and everything with lights, colors, images, and noises that make us happy. In the winter, a typical family adventure is driving through a lovely neighborhood in the evening to see all the homes adorned with sparkling lights and lawn decor.
How Many Lights Are Required to Wrap Trees?
Start by measuring the size of the tree trunk and any limbs you want to wrap with lights when determining how many lights you’ll need to wrap a tree. Wrapping trunks and branches with LED micro lights with a 6″ bulb spacing is common. To figure out how long your total string should be, do the following: Multiply the sum by the circumference of the tree and divide by the desired spacing between wraps.
- A stairwell
- A measuring tapes
- Electrical tape, ring connectors, and/or adhesive-back hooks
- Extension cords for use outside
Christmas lights on the lawn
Put the Light Strands to the Test
Plug each strand of lights in to ensure that they all work. It’s crucial to do this before hanging the lights, especially if you won’t be working with them on. You don’t want to finish hanging all of the lights just to realize that one in the middle is broken. Connect numerous light strings (after testing them) by plugging them in end-to-end if desired. Wrap the lengthy rope around a piece of flat cardboard. This makes it simple to manage a lengthy string without becoming knotted.
Organize the cord
Extend an extension cord that is rated for outdoor use to the tree’s base. Because the cord will be used outdoors and may become wet, it must be equipped with GFCI (ground-fault circuit-interrupter) protection to prevent shock. Plug the cord into a GFCI outlet or use a GFCI-protected outdoor cord to be safe.
Decide where the tree’s visible base is this is the point at which the tree can be seen from the street or from the house. Tall grasses, boulders, and other landscape elements may also conceal or disguise the trunk’s very bottom. Make a mental note of where the trunk is visible as you walk to the curb or out onto the roadway. Place the cord end here. Wrap the cord around the tree’s base to secure it if required. Connect the first light strand to the extension cord. You can either plug the cord into an outlet or wait until you’re finished.
Putting Up the Lights
You might wish to measure the height and circumference of your tree trunk for a more precise arrangement. To measure the length of the branches you wish to wrap, enlist the help of a friend and a ladder. It’s important to remember that not every branch needs to be ornamented. Consider what you want and priorities the outer branches that are more noticeable. You can optimize the covering area of your light strands this way.
Decide how many strands you’ll need and gather your resources. And don’t forget to be safe! This is not a project you should take on by yourself if you’re dealing with taller trees that require a ladder. A reliable companion can keep you safe, assist you in unravelling the light threads, and act as a second pair of eyes.
Begin with the trunk
Putting Christmas lights on higher trees follows the same steps as decorating an inside Christmas tree. Wrap the lights around the bottom and work your way up to the top. Connectable strands are the ideal lights to use for taller trees. This manner, you may customize the length to fit your needs. The strands will have male and female plugs on both ends, so make sure you line them up correctly before you start. LED lights are recommended since the light they emit is brighter and they use less energy. They’ll also live a lot longer than standard bulbs.
Branches in Motion
Wrapping Christmas lights around a tree’s branches is slightly more difficult than wrapping them around the trunk. You’ll want to consider when you’ll return to the base and how it will affect the spacing of your lights. You don’t have to drape every single branch, either. You don’t even need to drape the entire length of any branches! Allow whoever is assisting you to provide aesthetic input from the ground to assist you in determining the best location.
Putting the Light Strands Together
Ring connections, also known as ring terminals, are a useful tool for securing any type of wiring in place and preventing loose strands. To keep the lights in position, they can be secured to the trunk and/or the branches. This is particularly useful in windy areas, as you don’t want a dangling wire to unravel. Everything, including the very end of the light string, may be held in place by hooks and ring connectors. That is unquestionably the most crucial thing to secure! Adhesive hooks, on the other hand, may not be possible in wetter regions. In bad weather, electrical tape is more likely to stay put.
Concerns About Safety
Choose a day when there is no chance of rain or snow. The job will also be easier and safer if there is little or no wind. Secure the extension cords once you’re finished to eliminate trip risks. Hanging lights in taller trees necessitates some forethought and caution, but it’s a doable DIY project provided you have all of the necessary knowledge. If you’d rather leave your Christmas lighting installation to the pros, Ryno Lawn Care can help.