How to remove stains from mobile back cover
In this era of individuality, what is precious to you at present? Is it your wallet, pocketbook, keys, or phone that you’re looking for? Your phone is most likely the answer. The smartphone has become such an integral part of our lives that we will never be minus. Since we all have mobile phones, we need a phone cover to protect and decorate them when we use them on a regular basis. Phone cases not only assist to shield a smartphone from damage, however in addition they take the brunt of the dust and oil deposits from our hands.
This is the start of the phone case craze, which has resulted in a plethora of phone cases on the market. A transparent and attractive phone case can enhance the beauty of your phone. Although a phone cover can protect your phone, you must pay attention to how to utilize it properly to get the most out of it.
How did our once-beautiful phone cases devolve into such a mess?
Our phones are exposed to external conditions such as UV radiation, humidity, heat, dust, friction, and so on because we use them every day. This results in ongoing wear and tear on their surfaces, which can discolor. Why did the phone case take this shape?
Reasons of stained mobile case
It’s tough to look good with a phone cover with yellow spots and there are a variety of reasons why the phone case will yellow. The sun’s UV radiation is the primary cause. If you often use your smartphone outside with the case, it will become yellow after a period of time in the sun. UV radiation is not the only aspect that causes plastics and polymers to age. A polymer can breakdown over time if it is exposed to visible light, severe temperatures, humidity or solvents. Furthermore, persistent friction from typical use as well as perspiration on the palm or oil on the face causes the oxidation reaction to color the phone yellow. However, the amount of yellowing has little effect on its basic properties, such as hardness or shelf life.
Table of Contents
Soap water (For Rubber Phone Case)
Soaking the phone case in soapy water or water containing laundry detergent is the most usual procedure. This is the simplest method for cleaning phone cases. Soak the case in soapy water and use a toothbrush to clean the edges. After that, use a microfiber towel to clean the rubber boot. In general, the normal component of the phone case may be cleaned easily. If the stains on your phone’s rubber case persist, you can add a little borax to the soapy water and soak the rubber case in it for an hour. To dry rubber, use a lint-free flat weaves microfiber cloth like our microfiber chamois cloths. This will prevent lint and stains from forming.
Dish soap and Toothpaste (For Plastic & Silicone Phone Cases)
Start by mixing dish soap and water in a container to learn how to clean silicone phone cases properly. Put your phone case in the bowl once the water is soapy and let it soak for a few minutes. To keep the case submerged, you may need to put a weight on it. As we all know, toothpaste can help us keep our teeth clean and white. The objective of this post is to remind everyone that toothpaste may also be used as a cleaning tool. Scrub lightly with a toothbrush to remove stains and clean the edges. If you have a particularly tenacious stain, you can also use baking soda. Scrub your phone case until all filth is gone then rinse it with cold water. This technique is also effective on clear plastic phone cases. Then, to absorb the water without harming your case, dry it with a microfiber towel.
Mild Solution (For Leather Phone Case)
The best way to clean leather phone cases is using a mild solution. You may clean your leather case with a damp microfiber towel and mild hand soap. Distribute the soap evenly across the cloth. Use a mild cleaner and a dry cloth together if you have one. Use a terry cloth microfiber cloth instead of a flat-weave one for drying. Because leather is porous, make sure you get into all of the smallest nooks and fissures. When cleaning and drying, use as little force as possible, rubbing in a circular motion. This will prevent the leather from being stretched. Remember that the varied products and solutions you use on your leather case might change its appearance and color, so the easier the cleaning job is, the better.
Tip: Use Saddle Soap to repair and condition your leather.
Bleach (For White Phone Case)
If the silicone cover on your phone is white and only slightly filthy, you can wash and dry it with the same approach as before. White casings, on the other hand, tend to get dirty more quickly and frequently turn yellow or develop visible stains. So, if your white phone shell need more cleaning power, combine bleach and water in a bowl. Because an excessive amount of bleach might damage silicone sleeves, only a modest amount should be used. You can dilute a teaspoon of bleach in warm water and soak your case for a few minutes in the solution. Bleach should be able to aid with stubborn stains and discoloration.
Expose it to the Sun
If nothing else seems to be working, the sun may be your best bet. Simply place your phone case in the sun to observe whether it fades. However, because the sun’s position changes during the day, the results may be unequal. Alternately, you can sand the top layer of the clear plastic box to remove the faded layer and show a new white layer. All you have to do now is sand it thoroughly using sandpaper. After that, wipe the phone case down with a moist towel.