How to Clean Golf Clubs

If you want to keep your golf clubs in good playing condition, you need to know how to clean golf clubs. If you don’t clean your golf clubs regularly, they will quickly become unusable. This article provides instructions on how to clean golf clubs without having all the pieces of your set lying around the house.


  • Golf club brush or toothbrush
  • Water
  • Dish soap
  • Golf club cleaner or rubbing alcohol (optional)
  • Toothpicks (optional)


The process of cleaning golf clubs is not as complicated as many people think. In fact, it is a pretty simple process that can be broken down into just a few steps. If you are looking for a way to keep your equipment in good shape and ready to use at all times, then this article is for you.

Here are the steps that you should follow to clean your golf clubs:

  1. Loosen the grip

The first thing you need to do when cleaning your golf clubs is loosen the grip on each of them. This will make it easier to get into all of the nooks and crannies of each club head.

  1. Clean all parts of the head

Next, take some rubbing alcohol or water and wipe down all parts of the club head with it. This includes both sides and top and bottom surfaces. You want to make sure that you get all dirt off these areas so that they are nice and clean before proceeding with step 3 below.

  1. Use toothbrush to clean grooves in club head

Now that we have cleaned off all visible dirt from our club heads, we can now move on to using a toothbrush to clean out any grooves in our heads that may still have dirt stuck

Clean Your Golf Clubs

When you’re playing golf, you don’t have time to think about how your clubs look. But after you’ve been on the course, it’s time to get them cleaned. You can use the following steps to keep your clubs looking like new:

Steps for Cleaning Your Golf Clubs

  • Remove any dirt or debris from the grips.
  • Use a damp cloth to wipe down the metal components of the club shafts and heads.
  • Use a soft cloth and warm water to clean each club head. Do not immerse any part of the club in water or allow water to run into any openings on the club head or shafts.
  • Dry each club head with a clean towel before proceeding with cleaning steps 5-7 below if necessary.
  • Use a soft cloth and rubbing alcohol to clean the dirt off of your golf grips and then let them dry before proceeding with step 6 below if necessary; do not use paper towels as they may scratch your grips during drying if they are rough enough
  • Apply non-abrasive toothpaste to all metal parts of your clubs (i.e., metal shafts, heads etc.) where dirt has accumulated and rub it in gently with your fingers

Clean the clubs with a towel

If the dirt is caked on, try to scrape it off. If the rust is extreme, you may need a wire brush as well. Remember not to use a towel or anything abrasive. That can scratch up the surface. Take care to get all of the rust and grime off. Also, this might seem obvious, but make sure you wipe away any excess moisture with a cloth before leaving your clubs in a bag or case. Some moisture can lead to a mold growth that damages your clubs. You want to remove moisture while excess moisture still exists.

Use the bristled brush

The bristled brush is better for cleaning golf clubs. The fabric brush can leave behind too much lint, which ends up in the grooves of your club, particularly if you are getting a lot of dirt out (think heavy grass or the first use of clubs after playing on a course). The bristle brush can get all of the dirt off without leaving behind any stray fibers.

Add Water and Soap

You can’t just use any soap and water to clean the golf clubs. You should use dish soap or golf club cleaning soap. Dish washing liquid can cause the paint on the golf clubs to fade faster. If you are going to use regular soap and water, then rinse off the soap after you have used it. When you are done rinsing then dry them off with a towel.

Rinse the clubs

It is best to wash clubs with soap and lukewarm water. Use a brush to remove any dirt or residue that may be left behind. Using too much soap could leave the clubs slippery, so rinse off the excess soap after you are finished washing. If there is any rust on your clubs, clean them with sandpaper. When you are done, dry the clubs completely then store them in a cool dry place.

Scrub the Clubs for Tough Stains

If your clubs are truly dirty, you’ll need to scrub them with a soft-bristled brush and warm water. A lot of golfers keep a toothbrush handy for this purpose.

Scrubbing will loosen stubborn dirt and grime, but it may also damage the club’s finish. If so, use a soft cloth or towel to wipe away the loosened grime.

If there are any tough stains on the face of your golf club, rub them off with an abrasive nylon brush or Scotch-Brite pad. Abrasive materials will remove the stain without harming the finish of your club head.


Now that you know how important it is to clean your clubs, go out and do it! The more often you clean your clubs, the less likely they are to cause you problems. If you’re having some trouble breaking in new clubs, think about cleaning them again first. It might be just what you need to get back on the right track to an excellent golf game.