How to Clean Earbuds

How to clean earbuds

Earbuds and headphones can get filthy. Skin cells, sebum, ear wax, and facial cosmetics attach to the portions of your body that come into contact with them. Every time you set your headphones down, they collect up more dirt from the environment around you. However, there are simple methods for effectively cleaning your personal audio gadgets.

How often should your headphones be cleaned?

There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to cleaning your earphones or headphones. The frequency will vary depending on how often you wear your ear protection, what you’re doing while wearing it, and where you live. For example, if you use headphones on a daily basis and keep them on your desk, you should clean them down a week or so. If you sweat a lot, your gym earbuds may need to be washed down after each use.

Clean your headphones as soon as you discover earwax, dust, sticky fingerprints, oil, or sweat on them. Putting it off will just result in more muck and make your job more difficult.

Tips to Keep Your Earbuds Clean Longer

  • When you’re not using your earphones, store them in a case. Earbuds take up lint and detritus every time you put them in your pocket, backpack, or purse.
  • Clean your case as well, as dust and debris can interfere with charging. Wipe out the inside of the case with a microfiber cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol after cleaning the earphones. This is especially crucial when it comes to wireless charging cases. Even though your earphones are water-resistant, don’t leave them wet for long periods of time since moisture can get into the internal components. Allow them to air dry away from direct heat if they become quite moist.
  • Do not keep your earbuds tucked in your sports bra or in your exercise shorts where they will be exposed to moisture. Instead, store them in a waterproof case or a sealable plastic bag.

What You’ll Require

  • Microfiber cloth or alcohol wipes
  • Toothbrush


  • dishwashing liquid
  • water
  • isopropyl alcohol

 Before you begin, acquire some cotton swabs.

The cleaning procedures are the same whether you use corded or wireless earbuds. Do not immerse the buds in water or hold them under the faucet for more than a few seconds. The wiring will be harmed. Also, don’t clean your earphones while they’re connected to your phone, laptop, or other device. The same approach can be used to clean headphones. Wipe off the bigger surfaces, as well as the interior mesh screen, with a damp cloth.

1.      Clean the Tips of the Earbuds

Remove any silicone tips, foam tips, or coverings that may be on your earphones. In a small bowl, combine one part dishwashing liquid with five parts lukewarm water. Allow the tips to soak for at least 30 minutes after adding them. To give them a better clean after soaking, use a cotton swab dipped in the soap mixture.

2.      Clean the tips by rinsing and drying them.

Allow the tips to air dry for many hours or overnight after thoroughly rinsing them. Do not re-insert the earbuds until they have totally dried.

3.      Clean the Mesh Cover of the Earbuds

Brush any visible wax out of the earbud’s mesh screen using a new or old clean, dry toothbrush. Hold the earbud with the mesh pointing down so that any particles fall out rather than getting stuck deeper within.

4.      Clean the Mesh Cover.

To clean and remove any remaining residue, dip a cotton swab in isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and wipe the bud mesh. Don’t use too much alcohol on the cotton swab. You don’t want any moisture to get into the earbud’s inner mechanisms. It’s important that the alcohol dries fast.

5.      Disinfect the cords and the outside of the earbuds.

Finally, wipe the outside surfaces of the earbud with the microfiber cloth dipped in isopropyl alcohol. This will clean and disinfect the surface at the same time. Microfiber does not leave fibres in the mesh and is lint-free. You can also use an alcohol wipe that has already been packaged. If you have corded earbuds, clean the cords with an alcohol-dipped microfiber cloth or an alcohol wipe.

Allow time for the earbuds to dry

Allow the earbuds to air dry for at least 15 minutes away from direct heat before using or storing them in a case. A fan or hairdryer should not be used since they can blow lint back into the mesh screen.

How to Keep Your Earbuds Clean for a Longer Time

  • When you’re not using your earphones, store them in a case. Earbuds take up lint and detritus every time you put them in your pocket, backpack, or purse.
  •  Clean your case as well, as dust and debris can interfere with charging. Wipe out the inside of the case with a microfiber cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol after cleaning the earphones. This is especially crucial when it comes to wireless charging cases.
  • Even though your earphones are water-resistant, don’t leave them wet for long periods of time since moisture can get into the internal components. Allow them to air dry away from direct heat if they become quite moist.
  • Do not keep your earbuds tucked in your sports bra or in your exercise shorts where they will be exposed to moisture. Instead, store them in a waterproof case or a sealable plastic bag.
  • Hold the socket or cable end, not the cable itself, to unplug your headphones or charging case.
  • Pulling the cord to unplug or remove headphones from your device can cause the cable to deteriorate over time. Also, don’t tug on the cord to remove wired earbuds from your ears, especially if they’re sealed; the vacuum formed can harm your ears.