How to Clean Cat’s Ears

Cats are beautiful creatures. They come in all shapes and sizes, with different coats ranging from short fur to long, thick fur. A variety of colors include mixtures of brown, grey, black and white. But sometimes people have the misconception that cats don’t need grooming. However, caring for your cat’s coat is an important part of cat ownership.

Gather your materials

You’ll need:

  • A soft towel or washcloth
  • Pet ear cleaning solution (you can buy it at the vet or make your own)
  • A cotton ball or swab.
  • Prepare the area.

Place a towel on a table so that it’s easy to work with. You may want to cover the table with newspaper to protect it from spills. Have the ear cleaner ready, along with any other materials you might need during the cleaning process (such as cotton balls). If you have more than one cat, keep each one separate so that they don’t fight over their ears when they are wet and sensitive from cleaning.

Get your cat in position

It’s not unusual for cats to have dirty ears, especially if they’re long-haired or have sensitive skin. Fortunately, you can clean your cat’s ears at home with a few easy steps.

Get your cat in position. Positioning your cat is important because you want to be able to hold him still while cleaning his ears without accidentally getting scratched or bitten. Use a towel or blanket to gently wrap your cat and place him on a table or other flat surface.

Put on disposable gloves. Cleaning your cat’s ears requires using cotton swabs and other tools that can get contaminated easily. To avoid getting germs into the ear canal, use disposable gloves when cleaning out your cat’s ears.

Gently pull back the hair around the ear canal opening. You might need a pair of tweezers to grip it tightly enough without hurting your kitty’s skin. This will expose more of the ear canal so you can see what’s inside better when cleaning it out later on in this process.

Clean the outer ear

The first thing to do when you’re cleaning your cat’s ears is to clean the outer ear.

  • Use a cotton ball or gauze pad, and dip it in a 50/50 mixture of rubbing alcohol and water (or another mild solution).
  • Gently wipe away any dirt or debris from inside the canal, making sure not to push too far into the ear.
  • You can also use a gentle cleanser like baby shampoo or oatmeal extract.
  • Apply the cleanser with your fingers or a cotton ball, then let it sit for five minutes before rinsing it out with water.

Clean the inner ear

Clean the inner ear. There are several ways to clean out your cat’s inner ear:

Use a cotton swab or cotton ball soaked in warm water and a small amount of baby oil or mineral oil to lubricate the skin in this area. Then gently wipe away any debris on his skin as well as any buildup of wax that might be present. If you want to remove excess wax, make sure that you don’t force it out of the ear canal because it could tear delicate tissue inside your cat’s head!

Ask your vet if he recommends using an ear cleaner made specifically for cats. These products often contain gentle cleansers and antiseptics, so they’re more likely than regular human cleansers to be safe for use on your pet’s sensitive skin. If you do use one of these products at home, follow your vet’s instructions carefully so that you don’t do more harm than good!

Repeat on the other side

Cleaning a cat’s ears is a necessary part of maintaining their health. Ear mites, yeast infections and other conditions can cause your cat to scratch at their ears, which can lead to bleeding, discomfort and pain for kitty.

If your cat has been scratching at their ears more than usual or you notice any discharge coming from the ear canal, it’s important that you take them to the vet to get checked out before cleaning their ears yourself. They may have an underlying condition that needs treatment or they could just need a thorough cleaning.

Once you know your cat doesn’t have any underlying conditions that require medical attention, it’s time to start grooming those furry ears! There are many different ways to clean your cat’s ears depending on what type of cleaner you prefer to use. Here are some easy steps to follow when grooming your feline friend:

Make sure that your cat is comfortable in a safe place with no distractions around them. Cats don’t like having their heads restrained and may become agitated if they feel trapped or cornered by the process. Make sure they understand what you are doing by letting them sniff around the solution first and even

Dab some hydrogen peroxide solution

You can use hydrogen peroxide to clean your cat’s ears. Hydrogen peroxide is a mild antiseptic and will help kill any bacteria or fungi that are causing the ear infection.

Dab some hydrogen peroxide solution onto your cat’s ear using a cotton ball. Do not put it directly in the ear canal. Let it sit for about five minutes, then wipe it off with another cotton ball.Repeat this process once or twice daily until the ear infection clears up.

Contact veterinarian immediately

If you see any redness, swelling or discharge from your cat’s ears, contact your veterinarian immediately. Make sure to check your cat’s ears often for any changes.

To clean your cat’s ears, use a cotton ball or swab dipped in warm water and a mild ear cleaner. Do not put anything smaller than a Q-tip in your cat’s ear canal.

When grooming your pet, gently massage the base of his ear with a soft cloth or cotton ball. This will help remove excess hair and wax build-up that can irritate the skin in this area.If you have any concerns about your cat’s health or behavior, talk to your veterinarian as soon as possible.


Keeping your cats ears clean is important since ear mites and dirt buildup can cause serious infections and other health problems. A good rule of thumb is to check your cat’s ears once a week and keep them clean once a day.