How to Clean a Turkey

Washing a raw turkey is only necessary after it has been brined, and that is only after it has been brined. It is not necessary to wash a turkey before cooking it. In truth, this is sound advice for the vast majority of raw meats and poultry.  Cooking foods in a secure environment for the holidays is by far the most secure way of ensuring that we may genuinely enjoy ourselves over the holiday season.


When meat preparation is done poorly, it might have devastating consequences during a happy occasion. Simple and quick, this method will allow you to thoroughly clean and disinfect your bird in no time at all. When it comes to cleaning your meat or preparing turkey, there are a variety of additional options available.

Make sure to sanitize the area or sink where you intend to clean the meat in order to minimize the potential of cross-contamination between the two. In the fermentation process, various dilute alcoholic liquids are converted into acetic acid-containing liquids, which is then stored for future use. Malted barley, grapes, and apples can all be used to make cider.

We utilized distilled white vinegar, which is manufactured from industrial alcohol, to clean the surfaces in this procedure. From pickling to marinades to salad dressing, vinegar is a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. Actually, this method can be applied to any kind of meat or fish preparations prior to seasoning. Do not be concerned; the taste of your food will not be adversely affected.

Using water to clean meat and poultry is really not a smart idea. Regardless of whether cleaning is done before cooking, freezing, or marinating, it might result in cross-contamination between food items. Bacteria can move from the meat to other regions, such as the hands and kitchen surfaces, resulting in cross-contamination.

Start by putting your equipment together

A sharp knife, latex gloves, and gallon-sized freezer-storage bags are the only things you’ll need for this project. As a result, the innards of a turkey are less frightening than those of a deer, making it a fantastic learning opportunity for new butchers.

Locate the broad head

If you haven’t found your arrow and broad head yet, it’s possible that the broad head is still within the bird of paradise. If you are unable to remove or locate the broad head, keep a close eye out for it while you are cutting and deboning the bird.

Remove the breast meat from the chicken

As your make your way through meat, take it away from of the bones. To obtain the most amount of meat off your breastplate, angle your knife gently toward it. Carefully take away the meat from the internal organs near the top of the breastbone. It is sufficient to follow the muscle line. When you cut the breast, this should fold open like a book.

Upon closer inspection, you’ll see two chunks of meat that are joined. The internal tenderloin is the smaller muscle, while the breast is the larger muscle. Separately or in a group, you can get rid of them. This step should be repeated on the other side.

Take the thighs and legs

Trim the skin and feathers along the leg until you reach the rough, textured surface of the bird’s ankles and feet, and then stop. Joints should be cut slightly below the meat, and then the lower leg should be bent until the joint snaps. To liberate the lower leg, cut the tendons. Remove skin from the area where the thigh muscle attaches to the rest of the body.

Bag your meat and store it in a cool, dry environment

The meat is sometimes rinsed by certain hunters, but this is not necessary unless the meat is covered with dirt, blood, feathers, or internal residue (which is not often). It should not be rinsed in a pond or a river. Refrigerate or freeze the meat after it has been sealed in a bag.

You must cook or freeze the meat within seven days of purchasing it, or you must squeeze the air out of the bag before freezing. The bag should be well labelled and placed in the refrigerator. A properly sealed bag should keep for several months at room temperature.


  1. If you are using turkey parts such as legs, wings, thighs, or other sections, make sure to remove any excess fat and muck before cooking.
  2. After touching the raw turkey, carefully wash your hands with soap.

Washing a Turkey in a Safe Manner

You may take a few measures when washing your bird to reduce the risk of cross contamination and disease. According to a research, 26% of those who washed raw poultry transferred the bacteria to their salad greens. Clean up after yourself. There should not be any dishes in the sink or on the worktops around the sink during meal preparation.

Keep the roasting pan close to you so that you don’t waste time leaking water. When rinsing, use only cold water. Pour cold (not warm) water into the sink and carefully pass it through the bird’s cavity. Hold the bird aloft so that all of the water from the cavity drains into the sink.

And carefully set it on the roasting rack. Make a clean sweep of the mess. Discard the paper towels and, before doing anything else, thoroughly clean the sink and countertop with hot soapy water, followed by a sanitizer.


Cleaning a turkey is important in order to prevent foodborne illnesses like salmonellosis. Fortunately, turkey cleaning is relatively easy. Although it does sound rather unpleasant, the main reason that one might want to clean a turkey is to ensure that it doesn’t carry any foodborne illnesses that could easily be transferred to other foods during preparation.